Nikita Tsomuk
iOS Developer
Tel-Aviv, Israel
+972 53 902 72 52
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Tel-Aviv, Israel
+972 53 902 72 52
iOS Developer
Nikita Tsomuk

I am a committed professional, adept at solving tasks on my own and hitting deadlines.
My drive for learning and self-improvement makes me a strong team member.
Over the last six months, I’ve dived into SwiftUI and fallen in love with it.
I would be glad to have the opportunity to work on interesting projects and use new modern technologies in them.

  • 3+ years
    iOS Dev Experience
  • 10+ projects
    Messenger, ToDO, ImageFeed, Avia Tracker, Doctor Client
  • 500+ contributions
    to projects on Github

Habbit Tracker
The application helps users form and track beneficial habits.
  • Track Habits by Days of the Week: Users can monitor their habits on a daily basis.
  • View Habit Progress: Users can view their progress on habits over time.
UIKIt, MVVM, CoreData, Localization, UIPageViewController, AppMetrica, Cocoapods, Snapshot Tests
Doct24 Online
  • The goal of this test assignment is to create an application that displays a list of doctors and information about them. The application should have three screens: a list of doctors, a detailed screen, and a booking screen. The data should be loaded in JSON format from the internet.
SwiftUI, MVVM, Async/await
inside of Alfa superapp
  • Implementation of multiple user flows (registration/authorization/user profile)
  • Сreating an application network layer for REST API
  • Сreating an application network layer for Websocket
SwiftUI, MVVM, Combine, WebSocket, Async/await
NFT Marketplace
The application helps users browse and purchase NFTs. The purchase functionality is simulated using a mock server.
  • Browse NFT Collections: Users can view different collections of NFTs.
  • View and Purchase NFTs (Simulated): Users can view individual NFTs and simulate the purchase process.
  • View User Ratings: Users can see a ranking of other users based on their activity or collection.
UIKIt, SnapKit, UICollectionView, WKWebView, Networking, Kingfisher, ProgressHUD

Work Experience
04.2024 - present
04.2024 - present
Yandex Practicum
iOS Developer Course Mentor
Helping students achieve their best results.
• Onboarding students into the project, defining a work plan
• Task distribution and monitoring their completion
• Conducting code reviews
• Host webinars
• Interaction in chats: answering questions
02.2023 - present
02.2023 - present
Ecosystem Alfa
iOS Developer
Developing of a messenger inside of Alfa superapp
• Implementation of multiple user flows
– [ registration | authorization | user profile | settings ]
• Сreating an application network layer
– [ REST | Websocket ]
Additionally, performing team lead (team of 5 people) functions:
• Code review
• Assign and monitor tasks in a team
• Evaluate test assignments and conduct interview
Stack: SwiftUI, MVVM, Combine, WebSocket, Async/await
01.2020 - present
01.2020 - present
Sonotron NDT
iOS Developer & QA Engineer
As an iOS Developer:
Building the Sonotron Viewer app for iPhone and iPad, enabling users to
view files generated by the company’s equipment.
Stack: SwiftUI, MVVM, Swift Charts, Firebase, File Manager.

As a QA Engineer:
Testing native software for Windows PCs and Windows-based devices.
• Conducted smoke, functional, and regression testing.
• Logged bugs and tracked issues in Microsoft TFS.

"Structuring" Concurrency
Yandex Practicum - Video
iOS Life Hacks: How to Boost
Development Productivity
Yandex Practicum - Video
Debugging: Tools and Methods
Yandex Practicum - Video

11.2024 - 12.2024
11.2024 - 12.2024
Yandex 360
Development of a mini note-taking application with a WYSIWYG editor that supports Markdown and saves files to the device’s file system.
The application is implemented as a standalone, easily integrable Swift package
Stack: SwiftUI, Coredata, Swift-Markdown, Git
09.2009 - 06.2014
09.2009 - 06.2014
St.Petersburg State Transport University
Master’s degree - Engineer
Specialization "Automation and intelligent technologies"


You can contact me via:
+972 53 902 72 52
Copyright © Nikita Tsomuk. 2024.